Undistracted and discontent I approached every opportunity. An object in motion tends to stay in motion as a successor tends to succeed. Regardless of any friction within my path I will, I have remained consistent with my attitude. I interpreted every rejection as a new perspective to gain and every yes as only a brick in my foundation.

I represent Philadelphia. I represent my district. I represent the unspoken youth. So to call it my success is merely selfish, for it is a representation of every student that mirrors me. Success for me is success in my school, family, and community. Therefore, when I received the email telling me that I am indeed a recipient of the Bruce Memorial scholarship, I couldn’t help but to be reminded of whom I aspire to be.

As of June 2017 I will be graduating valedictorian of my class and as of this fall I will be attending Drexel University as a liberty scholar in pursuit of a computer science degree. I have dedicated my grit and leadership to Roxborough high school with no expectation of any award but education, so this scholarship is not only interpreted with great appreciation but translated to encouragement. The value of this scholarship is not of money but reasoning. I was awarded because you believed I possessed the drive and integrity of Terrell Bruce.

I plan to build bridges between our youth and the finest technological education, and with this piece of encouragement you're helping build it with me. I may not have the guts to be a firefighter or policeman but these hands will code an unheard of mindset for the next generations. They save lives; I plan to save futures.

Once again, thanks to all reading this personal statement who considered me for this scholarship. This recognition will go a long way within my journey and I plan to make it a great one. My goal is to prove excellence does come out of our schools. A success story can come out of any student regardless if they are a graduate of Masterman or any of our underrated district schools. I plan to be one of those success stories in the making. I plan to make my city proud. 

​- Tamia Santiago (Excerpts from personal statement)

Terrell L. Bruce Scholar: Tamia Santiago