​​Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholarship with Philadelphia Education Fund

Who is An Ideal Candidate:

A Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholar is a young student who excels academically, displays a genuine interest in education, thrives in a learning environment, is a leader among peers, and embraces the ideals of integrity, service, and honesty.  

Applicant Requirements:

  1. Graduating from an accredited Philadelphia High School;
  2. Possessing a minimum 3.0 GPA;
  3. Demonstrated need for financial assistance;
  4. Admission to a full-time bachelor’s degree program at an accredited higher education institution; and
  5. A longstanding commitment to community service, compassion for others, and outstanding character. 

Other Criteria Considered By the Selection Committee: 

  1. Individual determination to succeed;
  2. Can articulate future goals and plans to achieve them;
  3. Possesses a strong desire to contribute to society;
  4. Ability to communicate the hardships you have overcome or currently face; and
  5. Self-motivation in completing challenging coursework

Application Package:

  1. Student personal statement (must be a minimum of 750 words) that (i) articulates how they identify with Nathaniel’s life, (ii) his or her passion for community service and helping others, (iii) the student’s future goals, and (iv) his or her financial hardship;
  2. A copy of their transcript;
  3. A photo; and
  4. Two (2) recommendations: (i) academic and (ii) personal.  Format: A letter of recommendation should be single-spaced with a space between each paragraph. Use 1" margins and align your text to the left (the alignment for most documents).  Font: Times New Roman size 12 points.

                  *The successful applicants will provide a short statement expressing their college aspirations and life goals, which

                   will be used on the website. 

Application Deadline: 

The Terrell L. Bruce Memorial Fund will accept applications from Monday, March 29, 2021, through Friday, April 9, 2021.  Successful applicants will be notified by May 7, 2021.  

Selecting a Successful Applicant:  

The Philadelphia Education Fund will forward a list of applicants (10-20) that meet the scholarship criteria described above to the Memorial Fund’s scholarship Selection Committee; the Selection Committee will then select four (4) Philadelphia Education Fund scholars from that group who are the most deserving and qualified. 

Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholarship