Like Nathaniel I am engaged in my community and committed to trying to make the world a better place. I’ve participated in many community service activities. One important thing I’ve done in the community was feeding the less fortunate. I’ve fed the homeless with my youth group 4Twelve on Tuesdays throughout the year. I spent time with the people, conversing and getting to know them. I was able to learn a little bit of their history and what led them to be where they are now in their lives. In one conversation with a young lady I learned that someone had drugged her drink, which is very sad. That situation made it clear to me that you don’t know who you should trust. Others said that they were very young, in their early 20’s, and were brought into the situation by their own families. Having these interactions with these different people allowed me to see the fact that not everyone has a say in how they live their lives. 

​      I’m excited to be able to further my education this fall by attending Kutztown University and majoring in Business Administration. I choose to run a business that will be a support system for the community that I come from. The things I have seen in my life have me questioning why are certain people in particular situations and how could I help them out. So when I come home from college I would have an effect on those who need it. With the support of the Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholarship I will be able to ease the burden of finances off of my mother who is currently disabled. I know that she will do whatever she has to just to see me succeed. I have worked very hard in school so that I could be eligible for scholarships and become the first in my family to attend college. While I understand that this scholarship will not cover my tuition, every little bit helps. Just like my business, I know it won't cure all of the ills of the world, but I'm certain that my business will make a difference. I would be honored to be considered as one of the Nathaniel M. Kirkland Memorial Scholarship recipients.​

- Janaya Cherry (Excerpts from personal statement)

Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholar: Janaya Cherry