​I will be attending Indiana University of Pennsylvania in the fall of August.  My academic plan is to delve deep into my major international business, getting information that I did not receive in high school.  Also, excelling in all my college-level courses such as accounting principles, finance, and economics getting a better insight to advance my knowledge so that I can prosper in society.  Optimistically, I will be able to build generational wealth within my family nevertheless significantly improve the financial situation of those who are under-recognized.  Apart from that, I’m thrilled to step outside of my comfort zone so that I may broaden my social horizon allowing me to network and connect with individuals from more diverse backgrounds than my usual social group considering that I grew up in a predominantly African American and Latino community in Philadelphia.

Going to university is a significant milestone for me though it’s just the beginning because my next objective is to get my bachelor's degree.  With financial aid from Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholarship, I can attend without a financial barrier, granting me access to experience studying abroad and molding into a professional individual learning industry skills along with resources that can qualify me for a broad range of employment and job security.  Being the first generation in my family to attend, it's empowering to start a new positive cycle for my siblings since I’m the oldest of five. 

To conclude, with the financial aid I receive from the Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholarship I will be putting towards my textbooks.  Having the Nathaniel M. Kirkland scholarship recognizes me as a contender to receive such a prestigious opportunity. I'm truly grateful.  After obtaining my bachelor's degree I plan to obtain certification to launch a financial consulting firm in urban areas globally.  I grew up in a low-income city where improper spending and funding allocation resulted in a shortage of resources along with having a negative impact on individuals within my community.  This matter deserves special attention as it happens nationally and with my consulting firm, I will be able to decrease frictional unemployment while educating communities on financial literacy.

​~ Anayah Mesidor (Excerpts from personal statement)

Nathaniel M. Kirkland Scholar: Anayah Mesidor